(I didn't do this but wish I had thought of it!)
So I like to make things. You know this if you read my blog. If you don't read my blog then you should be not only am I crafty but I am also funny. Is bragging about yourself polite? Probably not but it's what I do!! Anyways I have been trying for a couple weeks to figure out what to do about Thanksgiving for my preschool class. I mean I love teaching and I love my class. But you have to be higher than a kite on a windy day in May to think that I am going to cook two turkey's. Especially for children age 2-5. Oh hell to the no. So I decided to make Cornish Game hens and call them baby turkey's.....no little turkey's cause baby turkey's might cause a revolt in eating.
So usually when I cook a turkey I have the bacon all over it and an onion stuffed in it's ass and butter!!! But I can't do that. Children are picky. They are also mad scary. The start with a slow burning cry and then it get louder and louder until you think you are looking at this:

I know right that is some scary shit. You want to avoid this at all cost. So the menu for the preschool will be
Cornish Hens, Mac and cheese, Green beans and Corn Bread. Desert will be Individual Pumpkin Pies. Everything will be entirely too cute and will make us all go AWWWW. But you want to know what recipe I am planning on using right? Well I can tell you right now That I have searched a couple different sites looking for recipes that would free up my oven for all the things the kids were making but allow me to make the hens and I actually found one for the crockpot.
This calls for kosher salt which I ACTUALLY have some of, bacon, rosemary, and thyme. I am looking forward to serving this to the children. It is simple enough that the taste and smell will not overwhelm them and has enough seasoning to not be bland. Plus it has Bacon. Who does not love BACON?!?!
This is a short post today. But I do have to work and naps can only last so long. Don't cry I will be back!
Because I want to share the fact that I actually cleaned my house and what made me such a crafty chick this weekend. SOOOOOOO.....
Live long and cook good food!
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