
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Retro Housewife Post # 6

Preparing for House Projects-

It is the time of year when we Housewives begin to plan for the upcoming stressful but fun holiday season. We have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas and other equally important holidays and traditions that pop up during the months between Fall and late Winter.

Some of the most important things that need to be done is the preparing of the house for the various get togethers that happen and to plan for the projects such as sending out cards and such.
It's safe to say that you need to be ready for anything everything you want to do. The very first thing you need to do is

Make a List:

On this list identify all projects you want to do and the completion dates. Have two separate lists. The list for regular household chores and the list for the projects. Having them on two separate lists will help you to know what needs to be done everyday and will help lower your stress level about trying to get everything done right away.

Do Not Do It All At Once-

Make sure that you do not try to complete the projects all at one time. Complete the household tasks first followed by allotted times for your projects.

Most important is to stick to your lists! There is no reason to attempt to get your affairs in order and ready yourself for your projects if you are not going to list to yourself. The holiday season is meant to be enjoyed if you are not prepared or organized the whole season will pass you by and when you finally come up for air it will Easter and you will standing in your Sunday best with a basket of eggs and 10 extra pounds and no memory of what happened during the holiday season.

I have actually taken my own steps in following my own advice. I have begun using sticky notes again and have started to prepare myself for my various household projects and fun times. Some of my projects involve finishing up scrapbooks and beginning new ones. Preparing holiday cards to be sent out reorganizing various nooks and crannies and spots in the house and the most important long term project which is to declutter for our move next year.

For now though the first thing I need to work on is the basic cleaning of the house the best laid foundations allow for a better running household :)


Please tell me what you think :)